Title Sponsorship
Exclusive Naming rights to Tournament & Social
8 Tournament Player Registrations
Exclusive Hole Sponsorship
Presentation rights at the award ceremony
Title Level logo recognition on all marketing including event banners, promotional materials and more.
Title Level recognition at Breakfast and Lunch Social
Breakfast and Lunch for 8 people
Swag Bag content of choice
Year long Gym Advertising
Social Media Plugs
Parent News Plugs
Exclusive Naming rights to Tournament & Social
8 Tournament Player Registrations
Exclusive Hole Sponsorship
Presentation rights at the award ceremony
Title Level logo recognition on all marketing including event banners, promotional materials and more.
Title Level recognition at Breakfast and Lunch Social
Breakfast and Lunch for 8 people
Swag Bag content of choice
Year long Gym Advertising
Social Media Plugs
Parent News Plugs
Exclusive Naming rights to Tournament & Social
8 Tournament Player Registrations
Exclusive Hole Sponsorship
Presentation rights at the award ceremony
Title Level logo recognition on all marketing including event banners, promotional materials and more.
Title Level recognition at Breakfast and Lunch Social
Breakfast and Lunch for 8 people
Swag Bag content of choice
Year long Gym Advertising
Social Media Plugs
Parent News Plugs